Friday, 7 November 2014

Day trip to South Wales

The Zero has been running very well lately except for one issue... It keeps dumping coolant from the expansion bottle ? I have been following a thread on the GBS Zero owner club about this particular issue and it looks like I may have an air-lock within the coolant system ? So the main man in the workshop @ GBS gave me the procedure on bleeding the Zero/Zetec system. This did take a total of 3 days due to the fact you have to let the coolant cool overnight and re check the level before topping up and getting back up to operating temperature before cooling again. A total of 1.5 litres of coolant was added ! All I need now is a good test run.

So Autumn is nearly over, the trees have just lost their leaves and now the roads are getting a bit slippery and seem to take ages to dry out after the night time chill. Watched the weather forecast at the weekend and it looks like we may have a dry patch about mid week ? So too plan a road trip to my Uncles house in South Wales a 470 miles round trip, plus as he has never seen the Zero I would plan another 30 ish miles for a bit of a blast round the country lanes ! This would test the cooling system and if the bleed procedure has worked.

4;20 am and I leave the house en-route to South Wales, trying to beat the traffic at the most congested parts of the trip. Frost on the windscreens of the other cars at home so I would imagine -1 or -2 at the start. A stop half way for a quick splash & dash, and a top up of fuel so I make it to South Wales without stopping again. Of all things I'm spotted filling up fuel by an old school friend at 6;00 am in the morning 130 miles from home !

8;20 am Arrived safely at my Uncles House. Temperature on the gauge never went above 85 degrees throughout the trip down... very pleased with that as it usually runs anywhere between 95 and 100.

After a bit of breakfast time to take my Uncle out for a spin...

A good spin out... He loved every moment !

14;00 pm Time to make a move back home once again wanted to miss the rush hour traffic, plus didn't fancy too much cold air driving once the sun goes down ?

18:55 pm arrived home... finally

Technical summery...

498 total miles
62 litres of fuel used
Miles per gallon 36 approx
Temperature while moving max 85 degrees on the gauge
Max temperature while standing still on the M42 for 5 minutes just under 100 degrees on the gauge.
Weather... Crisp and Dry all day, however very cold before sun up and after sun down.

So fingers crossed I am hoping the coolant issue may be sorted, just keeping my eye on it as time and miles go on.

Condition of the driver...

Bottom half ... COLD
Top half ... reasonably warm
My bad elbow... seized up !
My legs... Stiff (even 2 days after)
My mind... pretty good after a total of 10 hours behind the wheel